Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Common Questions and Answers

Good grief this might me the most disjointed and discombobulated blog yet. I am answering the most common questions that are asked of me. If you have any further questions and answers just comment and I’ll write a part two.

Is your name really Moriah?

Yes! I was born with the name and it’s even in my High School yearbook.

Are you a charlatan, fake, reader of facial expressions and a fraud?

Absolutely not. I actually believe in what I do and so do some other people. Most of the time I do phone readings and can’t see the other person on the line. I do email readings as well as in person readings. I honestly believe in the goodness of people and aspire to do my best to help others live their best. I have worked with the general public since 1999 and have also volunteered several times with police departments who have nothing else to go on. I can only connect with energy that has had life, whether it be a tree, a plant or a person. I don’t know lotto numbers, what the stock market will do or where your wallet is so don’t ask. I don’t charge people for services when I know they are in dire straits. I am a single mom of three and fully support my family 100% on my own. I know that life is difficult and would never take advantage of anyone’s heartache.

Skeptics, Magicians like Penn & Teller and reporters like Larry Potash say all Mediums and Psychics are frauds.

Yes, some people are absolutely frauds. There are fraudulent people in politics, religion, business, banking, real estate, police, law, and at your local gas station. You should be wary of anyone wanting any information from you. You should not have to answer questions or feel like you are being fished for information. You should always ask for references or have referrals from friends. You should be able to pay a reasonable set fee and not pay more than agreed. Ask the person if you can’t afford the fee if you can barter or take less time. Ask if you can have the reading for free if you are in need and cannot afford time. There are a million ways to find out if someone who is a psychic or a medium is genuine. It is your job as the client to find out if the professional is legitimate.

Magicians work in the world of illusion where they pass off tricks as real so its no doubt that they are natural born skeptics in the world. I have to agree with Penn & Teller and their program called "Bullsh*t" that aired a couple years back. Some of the people they caught were using practiced techniques and most likely were cons. But that’s also where the Latin phrase “caveat emptor,” comes in handy and it translates to "buyer beware."

People can find out online how Magicians tricks and trade secrets work so yes, Mediums should be fair game too. I honestly think Penn and Teller were trying to help and educate people who get ripped off from con artists and have few disagreements with them, although I disagree with their sweeping generalizations about 'all' mediums and intuitives being fake.

Reporters work for ratings and the advertising dollar is what allows them to keep their jobs. Both fields offer constructive criticism to the field of Mediumship as anyone has a right to disagree with anyone about anything. Sensational journalism is different than investigative journalism and should be looked at as such. There are several independent reporters who are non biased and work with equal time standards that have looked into the field with impartial eyes. You can research anything and everything on line.

I have no issues with skepticism and encourage people to doubt and question and not be easily swayed by anything I have to say. I would hope that some might suspend judgment on what I have to say until what it is I have to say becomes personal evidence of communication for them. Cynicism however is what I usually deal with, cynicism is not scientific fact. There are scientific tests for non sentient forces by scientific groups such as the Independent Investigations Group. The problem with the study for me personally is that I cannot connect with inanimate objects. Here is their link

I cannot prove I love someone. I cannot prove the hollow feeling in my chest when someone I love dies. I cannot prove any of my emotions or feelings. I cannot prove why my spiritual beliefs work for me. I can’t scientifically explain what I felt when I held my children in my arms for the first time. I can only say how I feel and how other people’s emotions have affected my life. We will never prove religion, spirituality or emotional beliefs. Why do science and spirituality have to be at odds? Can they not coexist? It took years for science to prove the earth was round certain religious people argued and fought to say it was flat. A lack of belief in something doesn’t make it so. Science is not an enemy, but unfortunately has been treated so by various religious organizations throughout history and unfortunately currently.

I cannot prove my work is real. I can prove however that people are relieved, comforted and healed by what it is that I do. I have done credible work with police officers and states’ attorneys. I believe in what I do, and for me it is true. My truth might not be yours, but that does not invalidate either one of our ideals. Does it really matter what you or I believe? Someone once said to me well you can’t build a bridge with psychic ability you need an engineer for that, true indeed but who is to say a vision from an inventor isn’t divinely inspired? You still need a dreamer to build a rocket ship when traditionalists say it isn’t so.

I personally believe that souls exist beyond the material plane. Energy never dies it only changes form. I know that humans are transcendent and that we exist beyond the material plane even if we are not able to rationalize all that is around us. My ability to help people heal, live better lives and become better people is what matters to me. I don’t care if I can prove those sentiments in a laboratory or not.

My boyfriend, mother, friend doesn’t believe in readings what can I do to convince them that it’s real?

First of all, the only person you can control and should control in your life is yourself. It is not your place or right to impose your ideas, thoughts or beliefs on any human being. If you want respect from someone, you too have to offer respect. Not everyone in the world needs to be fixed, saved or rescued. It is not okay to badger or force someone to be a part of something they don’t like, accept or believe in. Have you ever been badgered by an overly excited religious person or someone selling a product door to door? Enough said. You are not helping anyone by having them believe in your beliefs or follow your path begrudgingly. My favorite quote from the Buddha is, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

We all have people in our lives that will not accept or believe things we feel or know for one reason or another. If our faith is challenged, the underlying reason is usually because we do not believe passionately enough in what we know to be true. If we truly believe in what we feel or hear, then nothing people say should affect us.

It does not matter what your religious, political or personal beliefs are, if you are an atheist or true believer. If you say the sky is blue, some guy will say it's green. Humans will disagree with you, no matter what. What your personal truth is may not my personal truth. We all experience life differently. If you believe in anything pro or con that is your belief and your truth. Whatever you believe with certainty and emotion becomes your reality. What someone else believes is really none of my business and shouldn’t be yours either.

My religious leader and friends say readings are evil and dangerous?

If you follow your religious beliefs and your religious leader advises you against getting a reading then you should follow the guidelines of your religious leaders. Your friends have your best intentions in mind when giving advice.

I personally do not believe in hell, demons or evil. They are my personal beliefs and my reality. I have said before that thought creates reality. Whatever you believe with emotion and certainty becomes your reality. If you believe in evil, then indeed it is true for you. I am not going to tell you that it does not exist in your world because it does not exist in mine. You are 100% responsible for your life and your beliefs at all times. If you seek advice from the people you like and respect the most on earth and know them to be good people, then take their advice to heart.

I do not have a need to persuade, argue or debate anyone of any faith on any of their beliefs. Whatever your religious beliefs and convictions are will be completely respected by me. I would never go against someone’s personal belief system and couldn’t care less if someone is an atheist. My work is what it is and you can partake or not partake you will get no argument or debate from me. I have no problems speaking about what my personal beliefs are if someone asks because they are interested to see where I am coming from as a person. I will not however speak about my beliefs or push an agenda on anyone. I believe when I give you a reading in whatever it is you believe in, because it is your truth. My beliefs are not necessary or needed to be a medium.

Here is an older blog I wrote about hell.

Do people who have committed suicide cross over?

Yes! I absolutely disagree with the idea that people who have killed themselves do not cross over. Mental illness affects more than 15 million Americans. Depression is a disease that can overwhelm individuals and families. The absolutely ridiculous statement by religious communities, and people trying to steer people from taking their own lives with the threat that if you kill yourself you will be lost, in hell or a ghost need to rethink the damage those statements send to families suffering from a soul’s loss.

Depression and mental illnesses are a disease. It is not the fault of a family member, community or person. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center is one of the best places on the web to gather information and have questions answered about suicide and suicide prevention.

There is also a page for people who are suicidal and need to get help. You can call or chat online and get help. There is a link just for veterans and a Lifeline Gallery for people who are suicide survivors, who have thought about suicide or want to help support suicide prevention.

You may want to read an older blog I wrote on suicide.

What is the number one thing I need to do to become a medium?

In order to become a good medium it is essential that you learn to like and love yourself. Your self worth is directionally proportional to doing quality work for others. If you are truly happy with yourself and like who you are as a person you will not harm another human being. When you are happy and content you have no reason to lie, cheat, gossip or steal. When you like and love yourself you can teach others how to also have more compassion for themselves.

The other thing that is an absolute is that you have to believe that you can indeed hear and receive messages from others. If you are certain or sure that you cannot receive messages then that unfortunately is your truth.

You have to have thick skin to be in this business. Without the foundation of self love it will be a sad and short career for you. You can be a medium for yourself, family, friends or professionally. You cannot however do quality work without self love.

Here is my previous blog on self worth.

My favorite blog on sending loving kindness to yourself.

Here is another blog based on what to do when your intuition is wrong.

And lastly another blog link on positive thinking.

Something I always forget to ask you - when you are doing readings how can you tell where the spirits are at in the residence? Does that ability come after time? I'm obviously not at that point yet but am working on it.

I think that spirits are wherever we are. If your brain is like a musical harp let’s say and thinking of someone that has crossed over would be like plucking the string on the harp. That vibration of music then moves out into the universe. The vibration of our loved one is always with us.

If you want to see if there is spirit activity in a location you can use an EMF detector, video cameras, temperature gages, particle and dust gauges, digital recorders, pendulums, divining rods and the ‘feel’ of the room. I generally have contact wherever I am. I must admit some places in a structure have different energy and should be paid attention to.

I found this link on the web but know nothing about them as a business.

If there is more then one spirit, who gets priority ? Why can some spirits come through and others don't or can't?

I connect with whoever makes the link first. I can often see several people at once. I think sometimes the most benign spirits will come forward first to help relax the situation before other spirits who have more powerful emotional messages come forward. People who receive readings are often nervous, unsure or upset. So the spirits on the other side might send Aunt Ruby over before sending your dad in so that you can be comfortable with the connection and get used to the exchange of energy. That is just a thought I have and I certainly don’t know for certain. Some spirits may come through one time and not the next and I don’t always know or understand why. The closest I came to understanding the phenomenon was explained in the books by Michael Newton, “Destiny of Souls,” and “Journey of Souls.” His latest book is “Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation.”

Some spirits who have hurt us often find they want to come forward the first to apologize for things that happened here on earth. Spirits may want to guide us on our path and like us our desperate to communicate with the living. It may be like being a family reunion atmosphere where everyone thinks what they have to say matters the most.

What first got you interested in the paranormal?

I have been noticing and feeling things differently about the world since childhood. I personally don't believe anything is paranormal, I feel all it is all quite normal. I personally believe that souls exist beyond the material plane. I know that humans are transcendent and that we are not able to rationalize all that is around us. My ability to help people heal, live better lives and become better people is what fuels my passion in the paranormal field.

What is the most interesting or disturbing case you've ever encountered with Chicago Paranormal Detectives?

We investigated a restaurant in Galena, Illinois. The restaurant happens to be located in the building that housed the first mortuary and casket company in the state. The building has a very eerie atmosphere and is downright creepy in the dark. We were on an investigation with the restaurant owner and chef. The team earlier in the night made sure the ceiling lights were turned off. Around three in the morning I was sitting on the floor with the team and chef on the restaurant floor. The guys were actively involved in a provoking session in hopes to create paranormal activity. A canister light suddenly turned on above my head and the chef who was sitting next to me began to shake and speak in a very different voice and said, "I'm not the one you're looking for." The chef went into shock and was escorted downstairs by Austin and myself, it was a very bizarre and creepy moment for sure.

What is your personal opinion about what it's like on the other side?

I believe that whatever your belief system was here on earth follows you to the other side. I personally believe that the universe is a loving and compassionate place full of miracles, forgiveness, and wisdom. I believe the other side is beyond human comprehension and is without beginning or end.

Why do you think some spirits need to communicate with the living?

A minister once argued with me that, if she died, her family would know that she loved them, and there would be no need to tell them so. That statement is true sometimes for people. I did a reading once for a woman whose husband had been killed on his way to work. He wanted to apologize for an argument they had had a week prior to his death. Evidently they had not spoken to each other for that week and were quite hurt by one another. It was truly important for him to tell his wife that he loved her, and that he was sorry. Life is not always perfect, nor do things work out the way we think they will sometimes. Closure for many people is extremely important.

Communicating with the dead can allow us to let go of our fears, by respecting death and not fearing it can free us from suffering. We can become more compassionate to the needs and hurts of others while we are alive. We can all use spiritual assistance to help ourselves to be happy and at peace with the people we loved. When we are truly happy with our lives we are less likely to harm others and cause suffering for the living.

How can some spirits send messages to their family members through readings of their friends? Do spirits sometimes "nag" you to make contact with their loved ones or to deliver messages?

When I first met my friend Tom who I work on the show with that I had a message for him, he became intrigued. I told him that a man was sending him a message and his name was Bud. He told Tom through me he had been the person pulling his toes at night. Tom was absolutely shocked as he had indeed had the experience of having his toes pulled. He had thought it was his children and when he investigated he found them to be asleep. He never even told his wife about the incident because it was so weird. He said he didn’t know a Bud and asked me to describe him. I told him that he watched the Cubs on TV with Tom in his backyard and described him as an older gentleman with all the details I could see. Tom was perplexed at who he could be. Later in the week his friend called him on the phone to explain to Tom that he and his son had seen an apparition of an arm in front of his computer. Tom called me to ask who it was and I answered Bud. When Tom called back his friend to ask him if he knew a Bud he replied, “Bud’s my Grandfather.” Bud was such a Cubs fan that he was buried in a Cubs uniform. Tom and his friend were shocked that his Grandfather came through Tom.

When a spirit wants to make contact they have no voice box, no physical body so how do they get your attention? They come through any way they know the message can get delivered. Bud had to go through Tom to get to his Grandson. I was the medium and only knew Tom, I didn’t know his grandson. Bud got the message through the only way he knew how.

Why is it that sometimes we don't catch on to what you are telling us during a reading and then we get home and have ah ha moments when we figure it out? That is simply amazing to me!

When people have readings their minds are whirling. Usually readings are overwhelmingly emotional. When your mind is running as fast as a spinning top you don’t have time to think of everything at once. It’s like having a glass of muddy water all churned up, once the water stills the mud sinks and there is clarity.

How do you or have you ever connected with someone who was unable to speak while they were living?

It does not matter if a spirit spoke another language, was handicapped, and infant or mute. Spirits communicate in a way that the person here on earth can understand. I can sometimes communicate with people who are not dead but have impairment.

What does it feel like when you get contacted ?

I communicate in my mind’s eye with spirits. There are people who are clairsentient, clairaudient, light trance mediums, deep trance mediums etc. They can come through all 5 senses depending on your sensitivity. So you can smell, hear, and feel spirits. I don’t usually feel anything as I am more clairaudient. In 1872 Alan Kardec wrote the book of Mediums and described the differences. You might find it a fun and educational read even after all these years. He describes in great detail all the differentiations in different types of Mediumship.

Is there a time frame after someone passes before they can contact you? Or are they usually gone for a year or so?

I personally do not think linear time exists on the other side. A minute of our time could be a century of theirs. I do not believe time exists in a way that we have current understanding or explanation. I do think that time doesn’t matter in communication of the soul.

How can you help to discern between your "own thoughts" and that of divine guidance, or another spirit?

You can use affirmation cards, pendulums, ask for signs and ask other intuitive friends for spiritual council on what it is you hear. If the information you offer another makes sense to them and has meaning then you are correct in what you need to say. The person you are reading will always let you know when you are off target.

If what you hear for yourself is full of love, acceptance and good thoughts it is genuine. Negativity, condemnation and ridicule are from the ego aka “monkey brain,” and need to be dismissed as such.

Do you have any physical side effects from readings or in separate occasions...or all, any physical side effects at all?

When dealing with the death of a child I feel emotionally drained. I have had bouts of nausea in high energy readings. I generally ask before each reading that I do my highest possible good for myself and others. I feel unconditional love from so many spirits that generally I feel pretty happy. When I do too many readings I have a tendency to get on a crying jag. Chad is an angel for always knowing when I just need to be hugged, that’s his intuitive gift.

I do enjoy using equal amounts of baking soda and salt as a scrub in the shower after long weekends. I just visualize energy that doesn’t belong to me going down the drain. It usually helps me feel much more calm and at ease. It might work for you too.

Have you ever had a spirit return back to you after a reading because they forgot to say something? If so did you know who the message was for?

I usually have spirits that just won’t stop talking. I have had a couple of experiences where I have called the client back to add something that came later and yes, I did know who the message was for.

How do you know if your bio logical parents are spirits and if they regret not trying to reach out to you when they we're alive or may not even know you existed? Very happy with the family that grew up with me, but I still wonder!

If when you have exhausted searing legally and online for birth families you can sometimes use a pendulum with a map to search locations. You can start by asking yes and no questions. You can ask your biological family members to come to you in dream state with locations and names too. Some mediums are gifted with being able to get surnames. Just a few ideas outside the traditional methods of tracking a birth family.

A neat video on using pendulums.

A good book on pendulums with a great resource to read.

Moriah, how did you know this was your path in life? I have had some of those who have passed on come to me in my dreams, the dreams were very relevant at the time... is that how your gift began, or a way this gift could come about?

I didn’t know this was my path in life and I guess it happened as it was supposed to. It has been a roller coaster ride. When I first started I had utilities turned off, I ate peanut butter and jelly quite often and to this day drive my car more miles than I care to say. It is not glamorous but it is very satisfying and there is no other job on earth like it.

I started out in college wanting to get my RN license and then switched into journalism. I worked in the television industry for 11 years before becoming a full time medium. I was ridiculed, ostracized , doubted and told I was a fool. It was however my passion. I stuck with it and here I am today. You have to have passion to be a success.

My ability is an skill not a gift. Everyone on earth can do exactly what it is that I do. You just have to have passion, belief, and an expectation for success. Spirits contact each of us in a way that they think will get our attention. They may use thoughts, dreams, objects, totems or feelings. We all have the potential to be a medium. We are born with it. If you use it, the ability becomes stronger. The more you practice the better you become. You have to have a healthy dose of self love and you must be grounded emotionally. See question number seven.

During a reading with you my grandpa came through and you said he was sending me a man. Well, the man that has come into my life has lost his mother. Did they plan it so we would meet one another?

That’s something you need to ask your grandfather and his mother. Does the idea seem to make sense to both of you? Does it feel like a wink from above? If it does it is probably so. If you’re not sure or have no feeling then you need to rethink the reason.

Where can I find a list of all the books you recommend at your workshops ?

I am republishing “How to be a Happy Medium.” In the back of the book is a recommended reading source but I will list all of them in a future blog if you’d like. My book is currently out of print.

How come you can have one experience...with a deceased loved one, why can't you have another for another loved one even when you're open to it?

It may be that they are doing other work, it could be that you don’t need the message you think you do, and there is the issue of patience. If you ask a response will always come. It may not be immediate or how you think it will be answered, but they will always come to you.

You may like to use affirmation cards, pendulums or guided meditation cd’s. Just remain open. Sometimes when we are attached to an outcome we can block messages that we need to hear. Letting go of outcomes isn’t as easy as one might think. Ask them to hit you in the head if need be, but be careful what you ask for :)

When a person passes on do they stay at the age they died?

When we die we have no body and no age. If I said “Oh well there is a ball of luminous white light here,” you’d have no idea who on earth you were communicating with. They take form in the way you would remember them at their most healthy. Spirits have no age as they are without beginning or end. So a handicapped person or an infant can communicate with you in a way that you can understand.

Why do spirits use symbols?

According to Wikipedia “A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention.” If you no longer have an ability to speak but use pictures to communicate symbols are the way to go. Stop signs are universal signs for example so that people from around the world understand what to do in traffic.

I once saw a bear above someone’s head in a reading. I wrongly assumed it was how they met their demise. The person’s last name turned out to be Behr.

Allegory is a figure of speech that uses symbols to tell a story. An apple and a snake in art bring what story to mind? Allegory is used in poetry, art and fiction. The grim reaper is a allegorical figure.

So when communicating with spirits they may show a symbol or picture to express a sentiment, memory or emotion. Symbols are most often for the client, rather than the medium. When you see a symbol for yourself, break it down and ask yourself what it means to you. You’ll generally get the idea.